The IGA Resource page is free and full of information about the process of bringing a product to market for inventors and entrepreneurs.

This information is provided as a courtesy and does not imply endorsement, recommendation and or approval of any company or organization. Please note we are not patent attorneys and we are not giving legal advice.

We will try to keep this information as current as possible. If you have any suggestions, find a bad/outdated/incorrect link or need help you can send us an email [email protected]

  • The results are being filtered by the organization: Land Your Licensing Deal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Your Licensing Deal

Helping inventors and entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams more quickly.
Do you know how long it took for me to successfully commercialize my first invention – the Wonder Wallet?

13 years! No, that is not a typo, it took me that long to achieve success, working very hard.

Here is the good news. I know how to commercialize inventions much faster now – typically 1 to 3 years.…

Inventors Groups of America does not endorse or approve any company or service provider in this database. These companies/service providers are supplied to help you further your invention in the marketplace. Please check out any company thoroughly before working or engaging with them.